Saturday, March 21, 2009

frozen sun mini games

i just love this project i cant Waite for it to be done I'm going to tell you every thing i can think of for this game the lobby has a shop that works i hope this game is amazing you can buy pets spesul items like jet boots,telport tool,super jump,Battle armor v1,Battle armor lv2,Battle armor lv3,Battle armor lv4,Battle armor lv5 and so on you can by a temper rary VIP door disaber that makes the door disuper but it works oly twice ones to open the dor for you to git in and one for you to git out but dont git your hops up thars no 500 ponits giver in thar its al cheper items and yes thar ar items more exspenov than the vip door diabeliver like the matrix tool or the stop spell or the chos mini game the chepust tools are the front and back flip tools thar a helpfull in games like alll on panit ball the lit you flip in front of your opnit or beied and then you can pull out your gun and kill thim thar are going to be 10 mini games if not more thay are going to be 1Dont brake the ice,2lava jumper,3tuch the flag,4sword fite,5race top the top of the moten,6all on panit ball,7sniper tower,8blox fite,9huver race,10lava clim thows are the games thay sond fun dont thay hers a seckrit if you tuch the sint that says frozen sun mini games your in for a supriv it a tely port to the secand part of the shop the one that has more tools and spells like the god armor and stopevry one spell and the stell points spell(it cost 2000 points but it never gos away all thes items art in the vip room the loby also hase some fernicher if you fel like just waching the game or spending your ponts thars going to be a stop plaing games butten and start playing games butten if you hit the stop butten thin you wont be plaing the next game you can exsplor then won you want to play hit the start butten you start in the next rond if you find a poblum pm me and thanks for reding my blog i love roblox

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